Boeing 727 [21113 / 1176]

Registration: ZS-NOU
Operator: Safair
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Scrapped
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
D-ABKK Condor727-2301975
N853SY Wilmington Trust Company727-2301989
TC-AFD Noble Air727-2301990str, xIstanbul 1.02.92
TC-TCA TUR European Airways727-2301992sIstanbul 21.12.93,ret less 14.09.94,AGES 12.94
ZS-NOU Safair727-2301994
ZS-NOU Phoenix Airways727-2301995sCPT fc, 'short lived low cost Airline' no exact date given in pic-cap
ZS-NOU Interair South Africa727-2301995Safair ret 27.06.96
ZS-NOU Comair727-2301996s1.97 BA nc Flowerfield/Blomsterang s12.98, wfu by 4.02
ZS-NOU Kulula.com727-2302002wfu by 8.02, f.s.
ZS-NOU Safair727-2302003sJNB, s 14.06.03 still old BA Flowerfield col, no engines, s09.11.03
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
ZS-NOU ComairFAORWarthog1
TC-AFD Noble AirEGSSAyronautica
TC-AFD Noble AirEGSSAyronautica
D-ABKK CondorEDDFWarthog1
D-ABKK CondorEGPKAyronautica
D-ABKK CondorEGPKFlyDroo