Boeing 727 [21202 / 1221]

Registration: N294SC
Operator: Sun Country Airlines
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Scrapped
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N723RW Hughes Airwest727-2M71976
N723RW Republic Airlines727-2M71980
N723RW Northwest Airlines727-2M71986ret PCC 28.08.95
N723RW Sportsflight Airways727-2M71995due ret 9.96 own PAH,PAHC r10.95/frd to Tucson 10.04.96 in Pacific Int basic col,s24.04.96 for F-conv?,ret PAH 4.96,depa 14.05.96
OY-SEZ Sterling Airways727-2M71996sis 10.6,Sobelair slsd 25.6-2.09.96,
OY-SEZ TransAer International Airlines727-2M71998TransAer wlsd 19.4-1.10.98, arr 12.04.98 Southend, white, T-logo, based Heraklion, ret Cop 31.10.98
OY-SEZ Sterling Airways727-2M71998arr CPH, Send-CPH 21.11.98 in Sterling new blue col, depa CPH 21.09.99 to Alexandria LA, retd lessor Peg tt 60621
N294SCSun Country Airlines727-2M71999own PeALS, rr 9.12.99, later repo rgd 14.12.99, s str Minneapolis 12.10.01, ret PegA 18.10.01, sTucson 5.05.02 (in service? repo "Sun Country" ), s inside hangar 19.07.02, s9.02 pkd outside, PeALS to ART 21202 12.12.02, sTucson str 24.01.03 SC col, s26.12.03, s08.04.04 no engs, s15.09.05 full old SC col, s07.03.06
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N294SC Sun Country AirlinesKMSPGreggy
N723RW Hughes AirwestKSFOWarthog1