Boeing 727 [21245 / 1202]

Registration: YA-FAN
Operator: Afghan Air Force
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Military
Status: Stored
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N444BN Braniff Airways727-2271976red/yellow oc, BRNF Liquidating 12.05.82, N433PS PSA early 1983 ntu
N569PE Southwest Airlines727-2271984ret 30.09.85 UnTrust 6.85
N569PE Continental Airlines727-2271986
N569PE Continental Airlines727-2271987
N569PE Pan Am727-2271988
N16762Continental Airlines727-2271990r12.92 USTC,wfu 23.04.95,Marana 8.06.95 TT 47912,33421 L,AeA 16.08.95,r10.95 FSBU
EI-PAKTNT Express727-227(F)1995conv 12.95,r11.03.96
OY-SETTNT-Sterling European727-227(F)1997Dub 14.11, EI-canc 18.11 and frd to Edin 18.11, wfu 28.01.00, LCQ overhaul, tt 51070, Kitty Hawk lse, ntu, lsd to TNT again, Southend 7.05.00 white, is 17.05.00, s30.07.00, s23.02.01 Oslo white is, s Southend 13.10.01 str white no tit, Sterling ret to Wren Equipment Finance 10.12.01, s Southend str 11.01.03, canc 24.08.02 wfu
EI-PAKWEF727-227(F)2003maybe not officially rgd as such (11.04: repo to be 9L-rgd after not being rgd since 08.02) repainted as such Southend, white no tit, still pkd s03.05.03, s08.07.04, reg removed and undergoing maint. at SEN s01.10.04, s21.10.04 white, due for rr late 10.04, s31.10.04 no reg
9L-LFDDestiny Air727-227(F)2005sSEN fc 03.11.04, rrgd as 9L-LEG, but this reg was also used by Iraqi 732, so removed soon afterwards, s12.04 still no regi but reported to be leaving shortly, painted as 9L-LFD 24.01.05, frd SEN-Chateauroux-Dakar 12.02.05
YA-FANAriana Afghan Airlines727-227(F)2007sDEL white, titles/logos (first/presum mistakenly repo cn 21235), sis DEL 07.11.09
YA-FANAfghan Air Force727-227(F)2014presum str Kabul or ntu, , repo for sale 04.17 by Ariana
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
OY-SET TNT-Sterling EuropeanEGSSAyronautica
EI-PAK TNT ExpressEGSSAyronautica
N16762 Continental AirlinesKPHXWarthog1