Boeing 727 [21249 / 1219]

Registration: RP-C7110
Operator: Majestic Air Cargo
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Stored
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N448BN Braniff Airways727-2271976BRNF Liquidating 12.05.82, N448PS PSA early 1983 ntu
N448BN Braniff Airways727-2271984
N76753 Continental Airlines727-2271985PALC 28.09.87, TrAS 28.05.97, FSB to IAP 23.01.98 (opb COA),sLAX COA col no tit 10.98,sHamilton 11.98 metal, worked on, FSB 13.11.98,s metal 6.99 Tucson being F-cvtd, FCC 28.03.00, s21.10.00 white, frd Tucson-Marana 10.03.01 Finova tit
N76753 Airlines727-227(F)2002own FCC, to Midamerican Aerospace Ltd 02.09.05 (still/ever with, s str Roswell 26.10.05 col
RP-C8019Heavylift Cargo Airlines727-227(F)2007Heavylift bt 08.06, not left ROW yet by 14.08.06, N-reg canc 11.10.06 to RP-C, MidAmerican sold to Air Sydney 2000 10.10.06, sROW 09.01.07 rrgd, "return to service" area, sHNL 29.04.07 ferried to Austr fc, arr Cairns 30.04.07, in svc 10.05.07, sBNE 1.04.08 no titl
N76753 Flightstar Trading LLC (Ft Lauderdale FL)727-227(F)2011r14.07.11, canc 23.02.12 sold to M and M Group (Dubai), exp to RP-C
RP-C8019Heavylift Cargo Airlines727-227(F)2012sClark AFB, Philippines 12.03.12, s21.03.12 being painted
RP-C7110Majestic Air Cargo727-227(F)2012sClark AFB, shark nose painted, s12.02.13, s wfu 27.09.15, s07.06.17
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N76753 Continental AirlinesKTPAWarthog1