Boeing 727 [21267 / 1228]

Registration: HK-4010X
Operator: ACES Colombia
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Scrapped
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Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
I-DIRU Alitalia727-2431976
N574PE PEOPLExpress (1981)727-2431984own UnTrust 6.85
N574PE Continental Airlines727-2431987
N574PE Pan Am727-2431990
N574PE Delta Air Lines727-2431991
N574PE Continental Airlines727-2431992sAtlanta xDelta col no tit 31.03.93,s10.06.93 white,Del tail/ rUSTC 12.92,sMarana 24.08.93,AAC 22.11.94,r1.95,sMIA 28.04.95 white
HK-4010XACES Colombia727-2431995ret to Kellstrom Commercial Aircraft 8.02 to be brup, sOpa-Locka 17.11.02 white, to scrapping area as of 1.12.02, s10.01.03 no engines, "was No. 80 teardown by BMI Serv Corp" 2003
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
I-DIRU AlitaliaEKCHWarthog1
I-DIRU AlitaliaEGLLcolinw