Boeing 727 [21269 / 1230]

Registration: N1269Y
Operator: Kitty Hawk Aircargo
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Scrapped
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
I-DIRC Alitalia727-2431976
N576PE PEOPLExpress (1981)727-2431984own UnTrust 6.85
N576PE Continental Airlines727-2431987
N17406 Continental Airlines727-2431990rUSTC 12.92,wfu 25.05.95,Marana 9.06.95 TT44938,29123 L,sMIA 10.08.95 xCOA nw col,FSBU r10.95,canc 11.95,frd 14.11.95
EI-EWW Hunting Cargo Airlines727-243(F)1995s 14.11 full TNT col
OY-SEUTNT-Sterling European727-243(F)1997arr Dub 7.11, EI-canc 10.11, depa Dub 12.11.97,r12.11, frd to Marana 19.11.99, ret less tt 48196
N1269YKitty Hawk Aircargo727-243(F)2000own FSB, WFBN to Kitty Hawk 08.08.03, res N154KH 01.11.04 but still as N1269Y sis 15.09.06, Airlease Int. 27.06.07, opb Kitty, frd BWI-Ardmore 29.10.07 presum ret lessor and str, s24.05.08 fc, pwfu 2007, canc 03.05.13, s wfu 03.03.15 minus engines and parts
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N17406 Continental AirlinesKIAHWarthog1
I-DIRC AlitaliaEKCHWarthog1
I-DIRC AlitaliaEGLLcolinw