Boeing 727 [21270 / 1231]

Registration: C-GWKF
Operator: Kelowna Flightcraft Air Charter
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Scrapped
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
I-DIRJ Alitalia727-2431976
N577PE PEOPLExpress (1981)727-2431984own Equil 7.85
N577PE Continental Airlines727-2431987own Conn 9.85/CCC r2.92
N17407 Continental Airlines727-2431993CCC to FSB 21.10.98, s pkd MIA 8.11.99 basic COA, sMarana 4.05.00, WFBN to Int Trading Company of Yukon 12.10.01, N-reg canc 16.01.02
C-GWKFKelowna Flightcraft Air Charter727-2432002
C-GWKFAir Columbus Vacations727-2432002JP2002, lsd/opb Kelowna, to be conf
C-GWKFKelowna Flightcraft Air Charter727-243(WL)2003sHamilton, Columbus titl removed, sis FLL 25.01.04 add Taxi titles, s30.08.04 Toronto yellow col "The Big Yellow Taxi" titles, sYYZ 03.05.05 in svc, s30.07.05 no winglets, s28.08.05 with winglets pax, yellow tail, sKelowna 27.02.06, sYHM 01.07 now with cargodoor, no titles, in svc
C-GWKFFlair Airlines727-243(WL)2006
C-GWKFKelowna Flightcraft Air Charter727-243F(WL)2007sKelowna, sYYZ 08.09.07 white, sHamilton 13.06.08, sHamilton 06.02.09 with large Purolator titles and KF logo on tail, s06.12 YYC, reg canc 30.06.15
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
C-GWKF Kelowna Flightcraft Air CharterCYYZFlyDroo
N577PE Continental AirlinesKMIAAyronautica
I-DIRJ AlitaliaEGLLWarthog1
I-DIRJ AlitaliaEGLLcolinw