Boeing 727 [21293 / 1241]

Registration: EC-IMY
Operator: Withdrawn from use
HEX Code:
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Type: Withdrawn
Status: Stored
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Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N8875Z Eastern Air Lines727-2251976
N8875Z Avianca727-2251989
N8875Z Eastern Airlines727-2251990str Marana s3.91 ret 15.02.91 own Grey 7.91
N8875Z Delta Air Lines727-2251991fn '441', own Valsan,rgd 11.91,r8.92 GFC,nn FCC 2.95, frd Atlanta-Marana 28.02.03 for str, own FCC
EC-IMYSwiftair727-2252003still str VCV ar 10.04.03, lsd to Swiftair ann. 17.04.03, sPalma 4.03 basic DL col no titl rrgd for prisoner transports (pax config), sis MAD 20.08.03 pax flights, arr Lasham 02.03.04, sLPA 28.03.04, sCDG 16.06.04 opf Air Luxor, sZRH 04.07.04 pax opf Jetclub, Zurich, sMAD 25.03.05 basic DL col, poss. str, s03.10.05 engines missing, s03.07 missing engines and parts, s22.05.09 in basic Swiftair/old DL cs with engines and several parts missing, s18.03.16
EC-IMYWithdrawn from use727-2252005
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N8875Z Delta Air LinesEDDFAyronautica
N8875Z Delta Air LinesKDFWWarthog1