Boeing 727 [21363 / 1258]

Registration: PR-AIB
Operator: Air Brasil
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Stored
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N449BN Braniff Airways727-2271977light/dark blue old col, to BRNF Liquidating 12.05.82, N449PS PSA early 1983 ntu
N449BN Braniff Airways727-2271984ret 12.03.85
N79754 Continental Airlines727-2271985own Pol 28.09.87,TrAS 28.05.97, FSB to IAP 22.01.98,still COA, FSB 20.11.98,sTucson 15.12.98 xCOA col, worked on, FSB r20.01.99,s3.99 silver; s9.06.99 being F-cvtd, idem 28.04.00, FCC 28.03.00, s9.00 metal F-cvtd, to Marana 16.07.01
N79754 Airlines727-227(F)2003sMCO in svc fc, FCC to MidAmerican Aerospace 17.08.06, to Flightstar Group r13.09.06, still with frd ROW-MIA 27.10.06, arr Boa Vista 28.10.06 white, Flightstar Gr canc 16.05.07
PR-AIBAir Brasil727-227(F)2007sGRU 30.05.07 fc, is, repo str by 09.07? sRecife 11.03.08 and GIG 28.01.11 opntl fc, s wfu 10.18 Sao Luis Maranhao faded cs, intact
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N79754 Continental AirlinesKIAHWarthog1