Boeing 727 [21364 / 1261]

Registration: 5N-BHV
Operator: Associated Aviation
HEX Code:
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Type: Freighter
Status: Stored
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N450BN Braniff Airways727-2271977red/yellow, BRNF Liquidating 12.05.82, N450PS PSA early 1983 ntu
N322AS Alaska Airlines727-2271985own NLIF 31.07.85,ret 8.92
N86426 Continental Micronesia727-227(F)1993own FSBU, ret less 11.99, s pkd LAX 23.12.99 no tit, FSB to FCC 22.03.00, sTucson 9.04.00 basic COA, s1.05.00, s19.09.01 worked on now F-cvtd, own FCC, s str Goodyear 6.01.02 white, s10.02.03, s25.12.03
N86426 Westair Express Air Cargo727-227(F)2004sMCO in svc fc, (in JP04 with Sunworld Int) FCC to Westar Air Cargo of Texas 04.06.04, also repo lsd 24.06.04-06.06, frd Wichita-Goodyear 11.11.04, flown to Mojave 08.05.05 for painting by Viking and to new cust., s07.05 pkd near terminal, brown tail with white world map logo, Westar to NC Aerospace Corp 03.04.05, canc 09.06.05 to Nigeria
5N-BHVAssociated Aviation727-227(F)2005left Mojave 10.08.05 heavy, with tail strike on take off, s SNN 11.08.05, Lagos 12.08.05, sis Accra 05.10.06, flew Banjul--San Bernardino 22-23.04.07, s pkd 10.05.07, frd via Banjul 23-24.06.07 presum ret in svc, sAbuja 01.09 in service, sMiami 10.10.09 and 17.10.09 fc, s10.02.10 str, s Recife 20.02.10 (ret in svc?), s wfu Lagos 08.13
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