Boeing 727 [21442 / 1326]

Registration: N727YK
Operator: Fayaka Airways
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
D-ABKM Lufthansa727-2301978
TC-AFP Istanbul Airlines727-2301992ro 14.5/frd 20.5/hq s 15.06.95
N302FVLessor727-230(F)1999FINOVA 27.01.99,F-cvtd at Tucson,r23.02.99,s18.03.99 str as TC-,s18.04.99 as N, xIst col, depa 20.08.99 Tucson, FSB to FCC 28.03.00, s str Goodyear 17.01.02 white, s4.07.02 id no engines
N302FVEmery Worldwide727-230(F)2003own FCC, still str Tucson 24.01.03 white, lsd to Ryan Int 13.02.03, s str Goodyear 14.10.04, flightplan for GYR-ELP-ROC 05.04.05
EC-JHUSwiftair727-230(F)2005FCC, to Caja Laboral Poplyar CdC 11.05.05, N-reg canc 12.05.05, arr PMI 20.05.05, sMAD 21.05.05 white, sMST 27.07.07 white, sBAH 21.10.08 white.
A9C-SWASwiftair727-230(F)2008frd BAH-IST 03.05.09, sDXB 05.12.10 white
N727BMLink Air Charter LLC (Rockford MA)727-230(F)2012r21.12.12, sEntebbe 31.10.14 white, presum optnl
N727BMFayaka Airways727-230(F)2019rgd NBO due del
N727YKFayaka Airways727-230(F)2019pkd NBO
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N302FV Emery WorldwideKSANcolinw
TC-AFP Istanbul AirlinesEGLLWarthog1
D-ABKM LufthansaEKCHWarthog1