Boeing 727 [21457 / 1302]

Registration: 5N-BDF
Operator: Chanchangi Airlines
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Scrapped
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N724RW Hughes Airwest727-2M71977
LV-MCD Aerolineas Argentinas727-2M71977
N724RW Hughes Airwest727-2M71981
YV-77C Avensa727-2M71981
XA-MXE Mexicana727-2M71984s20.11.91 ncs, purple/blue background (little contrast)
YV-768CServivensa727-2M71992Albark CC, to FSB 13.07.95, sCaracas 11.04.98, s str Tucson 9.04.00 Servivensa col, own Pegasus
N79751Lessor727-2M72000rr 12.06.00 (ret when?), sTucson 16.07.00 still Servivensa col, WFBN to Aero Capital Corp 19.09.01
5N-BDFChanchangi Airlines727-2M72002sCosta Rica fc 26.11.01 overhaul, due del, s str Tucson 16.12.01, due, s Lagos 13.05.03, hard landing in Abuja, presum wfu and frd to Kaduna, used for spares s21.07.06 no engs, but basically complete and fc
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