Boeing 727 [21463 / 1353]

Registration: G-OSRC
Operator: T2 Aviation
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Other
Status: Stored
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N457BN Braniff Airways727-2271978dark/light blue, BRNF Liquidating 12.05.82
N457BN Braniff Airways727-2271984
N481FE Fedex - Federal Express727-227(F)1990conv 9.90, s "still" str Victorville 12.11.09, sis 15.08.10 MEM-MIA, ceremonial last 727 flight arr at MEM 21.06.13 (but not actual FedEx revenu or overall 727 flight) due wfu 26.06.13, s str Memphis 19.07.13, s04.05.14 bcs, possible sale 06.14, frd MEM--Lasham 12-13.07.14 FedEx bcs, Fed Ex Leasing Corp, TAG Aviation (Stansted) bt 17.07.14, Southern Aircraft Consultancy 17.07.14 r24.07.14
N727ELSouthern Aircraft Consultancy727-227(F)2014rr res 24.07.14, rr 20.08.14, sLasham 07.09.14 exFedEx cs, s01.11.14 str, s26.07.15 str, owned TAG Aviation, s15.01.17 str, reg canc 18.10.18 to Guernsey
G-OSRCT2 Aviation727-227(F)2018rr due after sprayer conversion at QLA but see above
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N727EL Southern Aircraft ConsultancyEGHLFlyDroo
N727EL Southern Aircraft ConsultancyEGHLcolinw
N727EL Southern Aircraft ConsultancyEGHLgrahamepage
N481FE Fedex - Federal ExpressEGHLgrahamepage