Boeing 727 [21513 / 1365]

Registration: PR-RLJ
Operator: Rio Lineas Aereas
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Scrapped
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Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N556PS PSA - Pacific Southwest Airlines727-2141978
N556PS Piedmont Airlines727-2141984bt 10.85
N751US USAir727-2141989ret Integ Rec 11.93,sis 28.12.93 MIA still! InA ret 8.95
N751US American Trans Air727-2141995InA ret 2.96, AcL 16.07.96
N751US Kitty Hawk Aircargo727-214(F)1996conv 10.96, ACL own, FCC 30.12.96, TAAIXC 7.12.98,r13.01.99, FSB 17.07.99, s str Marana 5.10.02, s27.01.03 fc, WFBN to Kitty Hawk 31.10.03, frd to DFW 21.11.03, in svc, N158KH res 01.11.04 but still sis 28.10.06 curr. reg, Airlease Int 27.06.07, opb Kitty, s str Ardmore OK 19.02.08 fc, s24.05.08 minus engines
PR-RLJRio Lineas Aereas727-214(F)2009frd ADM--POA 11-15.12.08 still with N-registration, painted and sPOA in fcs 08.04.09, still with N-registration, delivered 10.04.09 POA-CWB, sis BSB 27.03.10 fc, REC 20.10.12, s wfu CWB 30.08.13 engines removed
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N751US USAirKCLTWarthog1