Boeing 727 [21519 / 1459]

Registration: TL-AEB
Operator: Capt. Ibrahim M Ghouli (Schertz TX)
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Other
Status: Scrapped
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Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N880AA American Airlines727-2231979wfu 9.04.02, arr Mojave 19.04.02, tt 62567, 37017 l, depa 6.06.2002 to Opa-Locka, to ASaLC 7.06.02, s28.06.02, s13.08.02 basic AA col new tail colours, s21.09.02
PK-JGMJatayu Airlines727-2232004own AS&LC, sSIN 30.12.03 basic AA col, red Jatayu tail, sPondok Cabe 21.05.04 overhaul, repo N-rgd and AS&L to IAL 03.11.04, still lsd to Jatayu? repo s wfu Medan 10.01 and 19.01.05 as N880AA basic AA col, but sis 26.01.05 as PK-JGM Jakarta CGK ex AA col, pink tail/gold logo, same AC?, s str CGK 26.05.05 AA/Jatayu col, s05.01.07
XU-RKRBuraq Air727-2232007sTIP, ex AA col no titl
XU-RKRClesh Aviation727-2232008sBrazzaville, no reports on titl/col
N727KACapt. Ibrahim M Ghouli (Schertz TX)727-2232009r03.09.09, sFujairah 22.01.10 marked as TL-AEB, s11.09.10 str 'Asia' titl on tail, red blue cheatline, canc 14.03.11 to Senegal, but see below
TL-AEBCapt. Ibrahim M Ghouli (Schertz TX)727-2232011sFujairah at eastern maintenance ramp, s11.11.11 pkd, s19.08.12 wfu, s10.13, s27.02.15 in line to be broken up, auctioned for scrapped 06.15
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N880AA American AirlinesKMIAGreggy
N880AA American AirlinesKMIAAyronautica
N880AA American AirlinesKMIAAyronautica
N880AA American AirlinesKMCOWarthog1