Boeing 727 [21523 / 1467]

Registration: N165TS
Operator: Lessor
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Other
Status: Stored
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N884AA American Airlines727-2231979wfu 29.04.02, arr Mojave 1.05.02, tt 62474, 37057 l, nose radome slightly dam. 6.05.02 after storm, to Kelowna 7.08.02 frd Yellowknife
C-FMKFKelowna Flightcraft Air Charter727-2232002frd to Yellowknife 7.08.02 tt 62476, 37058 l, presum for Vacances Air Columbus, N-reg canc 2.10.02 to Canada,s04.03 pkd basic AA col, red striped overpainted blue, N-rgd, C-reg repo 04.03
C-GGKFKelowna Flightcraft Air Charter727-223(F)2003s12.03 Hamilton nc, F-cvtd, sis YVR 12.08.07 Purolator titl, reg canc 30.06.15
N165TSLessor727-223(F)2016frd Kelowna-San Bernardino 06.04.17, s23.04.17 white
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
C-GGKF Kelowna Flightcraft Air CharterCYHMcolinw
N884AA American AirlinesKMIAGreggy
N884AA American AirlinesKMIAGreggy
N884AA American AirlinesKDFWWarthog1
N884AA American AirlinesKMIAAyronautica