Boeing 727 [21524 / 1473]

Registration: C-FLHR
Operator: Flair Airlines
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Scrapped
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N885AA American Airlines727-2231979wfu New Orleans 30.04.02, arr Mojave 2.05.02, tt 62345, 36757 l, to Kelowna 15.08.02
C-FPKFKelowna Flightcraft Air Charter727-2232002frd to Yellowknife 15.08.02, tt 62347, 36758 l, presum for Vacances Air Columbus, N-reg canc 2.10.02 to C-, sKelowna 30.04.03 basic AA col red stripe painted blue N-rgd, C-reg repo 04.03, s28.12.03 still wearing N-reg
C-FLHRKelowna Flightcraft Air Charter727-2232004s09.06.05 Flying on a Jet Plane tail col
C-FLHRFlair Airlines727-223(WL)2005winglets, sYHM 21.04.06 fc, s29.05.06 added "Leaving on a jet plane" tail col, sis CUN 16.03.08 Flair fc, sis YXE 03.07.08 oil sands workers, sis 11.03.09 YHM still pax config in svc, website mentions no 727s in service by 05.10, broken up 15-16.01.10
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N885AA American AirlinesKMIAGreggy
N885AA American AirlinesKORDWarthog1
N885AA American AirlinesKMIAAyronautica
N885AA American AirlinesKMIAAyronautica
N885AA American AirlinesKMIAAyronautica