Boeing 727 [21578 / 1409]

Registration: N8881Z
Operator: Lessor
HEX Code:
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Type: Other
Status: Stored
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N8881Z Eastern Air Lines727-2251978UAS 15.09.89
N8881Z Mexicana727-2251989own FSBU 8.90,s 16.04.93 Miami white wfu
N8881Z Kiwi International Air Lines727-2251993sNewark,fc 22.09.93, str sMIA 15.04.99 fc
G-OPMNSabre Airways727-2252000cvtd to Super 27 by Goodrich ar 2.00, sMIA 29.03.00, arr Bourem. 4.04.00 white, N-reg canc 25.04.00, airtest 4.05.00, sLGW 31.05.00 white, sis 10.06.00 white/Sabre tit, 'super 27' tit
G-OPMNSun Country Airlines727-2252000sPhoe, white, smaller than normal tit, Cougar Leasing r14.12.00
G-OPMNExcel Airways727-2252001frd Kefl-Bournemouth, s Bournm. 18.05.01 white
G-OPMNCougar Air727-2252001sBournemouth 8.06.01 white, airtest, s20.06.01 Southend red tail/Cougar titles, sis ATH 20.09.01, sis 8.02 Faro full silver/Lion col, pax, frd Lasham-Southend 17.10.02 for str
N8881Z Lessor727-2252003G-reg canc 18.03.03, WFBN ret 04.04.03, s08.04.03 rrgd basic Cougar col, frd ex Southend 11.04.03, sMIA 03.05.03 red tail, super 27 titles, sTucson 13.06.03 G-rgd, frd MIA-TUS 20.11.03 Cougar col no titl, s08.04.04 no engs, Rohr FC own s10.04, WFBN to Jet Tech Int 30.01.06, The Leading Edge Group LLC 30.01.06, still str Tucson s24.01.07 ex Cougar col, s01.06.09 red/white
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N8881Z LessorKTUSgrahamepage
G-OPMN Cougar AirEGPKAyronautica
G-OPMN Cougar AirEGSSAyronautica
G-OPMN Sabre AirwaysEGKKGreggy
G-OPMN Sabre AirwaysEGKKgrahamepage
N8881Z Eastern Air LinesKJFKWarthog1