Boeing 727 [21584 / 1478]

Registration: UP-B2703
Operator: Mega AirCompany
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Stored
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Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N524DA Delta Air Lines727-2321979Delta Shuttle s4.09.99, sis 9.01, UTC 27.11.02 presum wfu, AvP LLC 31.12.02, sVictorville 20.02.03 basic old DL col, frd to San Bernardino 03.04.03, frd San bernardino-Victorville 01.05.03, AvA LLC r21.04.03, frd Victorville-SFO-HNL-Majuro 19-21.08.03 for?, canc 27.08.03
PK-JGOJatayu Airlines727-2322003own Aventura, Indonesian AL repo/error or ntu, pink col, sis KUL 06.01.05, sCGK 26.01.05 pink col, pkd, s26.05.05 titles scrubbed out, s11.10.05 maintenance area, s str 27.02.06
UN-B2703Trans Aviation Global Group727-2322005sSHJ 14.01.06 metallic/white/blue tail, Bangkok DMK 17.12.06, but see above and see 22046, not at CGK 05.01.07 also repo broken up, so fate not conf, sis Antalya 31.08.07, sDXB 19.11.08 (still doubts on id)
UP-B2703Mega AirCompany727-2322009sFujairah 02.03.09 all white blue tail, s01.08.09, s11.09.10 str, s wfu 11.13, s27.02.15
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N524DA Delta Air LinesKBOSGreggy
N524DA Delta Air LinesKATLWarthog1
N524DA Delta Air LinesKFLLAyronautica