Boeing 727 [21595 / 1406]

Registration: VP-CZY
Operator: Corporate
HEX Code:
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Type: Business
Status: Stored
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
A7-AAB Corporate727-2P11979
N727MJComtran International727-2P11996nw date,r6.97/opb Jet Aviation for Dunview Comp by 10.97/Comtran canc 31.10.97
VP-CZYCorporate727-2P1(WL)1997sGen 12.11.97, LGW 13.11.97 winglets,id Boston 5.09.99, s AFB Electronics, Mojave, worked on in hangar 5.09.01, incident Luton 30.10.01, tail hit ground on heavy landing 0(8), repaired, sis Sion 30.12.03, GVA 11.08.06, r/o SNN 05.09.07 nc, str Lahr, Germany 2009, s12.02.11 for sale, tt 11252, $5,6mln, sLasham 01.03.12 (acc to photocap), s07.09.14 str, s04.07.16
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
VP-CZY CorporateEGHLWarthog1
VP-CZY CorporateEGHLFlyDroo
VP-CZY CorporateEGHLcolinw
VP-CZY CorporateEGGWAyronautica
A7-AAB CorporateEGLLScottyBoy76
A7-AAB CorporateEGLLAyronautica
A7-AAB CorporateEGLLAyronautica
A7-AAB CorporateEGLLAyronautica
A7-AAB CorporateEGLLAyronautica
A7-AAB CorporateEGLLAyronautica
A7-AAB CorporateEGLLWarthog1
A7-AAB CorporateEGLLcolinw