Boeing 727 [21609 / 1369]

Registration: C5-SBM
Operator: Kallat El Saker Airlines
HEX Code:
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Type: Passenger
Status: Stored
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
EC-DCC Iberia727-2561978
N903RFRepublic Advanced Freighter727-2562001frd Madrid-SNN 2.02.01, Keflavik 13.02.01, s pkd Kingman 24.02.01 Iberia col, s18.06.01, canc 30.08.01, first repo to C5-SBM but see 21610
C5-SBMMahfooz Aviation727-2562001still str Kingman 10.12.01 basic IB col no engines, s19.05.02, s15.11.02 basic IB col (nothing about engines or not), frd Keflavik-Budapest-Cairo 20.12.02 rrgd, ex Iberia col for hadj flights, s17.01.04 Sudan AW/white colours (no titles?) Jeddah
C5-SBMSudan Airways727-2562004sDXB yellow Sudan tail/titles, sJeddah 04.01.05, s Addis Ababa 22.03.05, SHJ s22.11.05, sAddis Ababa 11.04.06 white, on overhaul
C5-SBMKallat El Saker Airlines727-2562006sIST pax svc, sis 03.12.06 opf Buraq, sTIP 15.05.07, presum wfu by 2010
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All Users Sightings

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EC-DCC IberiaEGLLAyronautica
EC-DCC IberiaEGLLcolinw
EC-DCC IberiaEGLLWarthog1