Boeing 727 [21611 / 1382]

Registration: 5Y-AXE
Operator: African Express Airways
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Stored
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
EC-DCE Iberia727-2561978s19.08.01 Madrid is, wfu by 3.10.01, s str 14.10.01 Madrid
N908RFRepublic Advanced Freighter727-2562002still Madrid as EC-DCE s22.03.02 basic IB col, RepAF N-rgd 22.03.02, s Chateauroux 21.04.02 ex IB col, EC-rgd, RFC I727/39 Inc bt 21.06.02, s21.07.02 still Ch. old reg, r18.07.02, sChateauroux 31.08.02 being brup repo, but RFC to Linton Enterpreises Inc 12.02.03, canc 12.02.03 to Sierra Leone !?
9L-LDVHA Airlines727-2562003not conf
5Y-AXEAfrican Express Airways727-2562004JP2004, wlsd to Ishtar AL (Iraq) for pax svc Baghdad-DXB, later Europe etc, operations repo 07.05 possibly linked to Viktor Bout, sDXB 01.07.05 white, s07.09.05 "Ishtar titles are history already", DXB sis 03.01.06 white, sDAM 24.02.08 white, sDAM 27.03.09, sDAM 29.11.09 'Ishtar Airlines' (str/lsd?titles?), s 'still' str DAM 04.06.11
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
EC-DCE IberiaEGLLAyronautica
EC-DCE IberiaEGLLAyronautica
EC-DCE IberiaEGLLWarthog1