Boeing 727 [21619 / 1407]

Registration: J5-GCU
Operator: African Air Assistance
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Written Off
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Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
D-ABKP Lufthansa727-2301978wfu s12.91 Berlin Sch
TC-AFN Istanbul Airlines727-2301992 own since 1.03.92/hq s20.04.96, Ist--Tucson 28.01.99-29.01.99 no tit
N303FVFinova Capital Corporation727-230(F)1999 FINOVA 27.01.99,F-conv at Tucson,s18.03.99 str as TC-,s18.04.99 hangar, silver N-regd, FSB to FCC 28.03.00, frd Tucson-Amarillo 21.06.01, s str Goodyear 17.01.02 white, s4.07.02, s24.01.03
N303FVEmery Worldwide727-230(F)2003 own FCC, lsd to Ryan, opf Emery, frd Tucson-Wichita 12.02.03, sMCO 04.03.03 white, frd PHX-Roswell 14.08.03 presum for str, sGoodyear 14.10.04, frd GYR-TUS-San Jose CR 18.03.05, own FCC, canc 28.04.05 to Spain
EC-JHCSwiftair727-230(F)2005 sDXB 03.01.06 is white, MAD s05.10.06 in svc
EC-JHCPlaza Servicios Aereos727-230(F)2007 sMAD white, logo, opb Swiftair
HZ-SNESNAS Aviation727-230(F)2008
J5-GCUAfrican Air Assistance727-230(F)2009 05.11.09 nr Gao, Mali 0(X) deliberately set on fire on illegal desert airstrip 200 km north of Gao after a flight from Venezuela carrying drugs, ID repo 03.17 / bt, arr DKR white no titl
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
TC-AFN Istanbul AirlinesLFPOAyronautica
D-ABKP LufthansaEGLLWarthog1
D-ABKP LufthansaEGLLcolinw