Boeing 727 [21630 / 1458]

Registration: N24343
Operator: Charter America
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Other
Status: Scrapped
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N24343 TWA - Trans World Airlines727-2311979FSB 31.03.98,PegA 7.04.99, wfu 31.10.99, Kansas City tt 51314, 33602 l, ret is 6.11.99 (a MD-83 was dam), wfu 30.11.99 tt 51460, 33764 l, frd Phoenix 4.12.99 ret PeA, sTucson 30.01.00 no tit, s28.04.00 being F-cvtd
N24343 Cargo Three Panama727-231(F)2000PegA s9.07.00 white, F-cvtd, 'super 27' cvtd Tucson, s9.09.00 white, no reg
N24343 Falcon Air Express727-231(F)2000sTucson white, being painted fc, still pkd s18.02.01, s hangared MIA 8.03.01 Falcon Stars titles, PegA to PacAC 21630 17.04.01, lsd to Falcon Air Cargo, sMIA 1.05.01, s pkd 4.12.01 north side of Miami, basic Falcon col, Cargo titles, s str 11.12.01 Ontario no tit, s pkd Tucson 27.01.02 Falcon col, sMIA 19.03.02 Falcon Air basic col, i.s., ret PacAC 3.02
N24343 Custom Air Transport727-231(F)2002own PacAC
N24343 Charter America727-231(F)2003sMCO, own Custom, white, Charter America titles/logo, sis SAN 30.03.06 CAT titl, own Pacific Aircorp 21630, s str ROW 15.11.07, s Tucson 01.06.09 white, s03.10
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N24343 Charter AmericaKTUScolinw
N24343 TWA - Trans World AirlinesKJFKWarthog1