Boeing 727 [21633 / 1464]

Registration: N64346
Operator: Aeropostal Alas de Venezuela
HEX Code:
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Type: Passenger
Status: Scrapped
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N64346 TWA - Trans World Airlines727-2311979FSB 31.03.98, wfu 11.09.00, tt 52297, 34633 l, ret PacAC 306, frd San Bernardino 29.09.00 s11.00, s pkd Tucson 5.02.01 basic TWA col, WFBN to PAC 21633 2.05.01, sTucson 19.09.01 basic TWA, still str s16.12.01
N64346 Aeropostal Alas de Venezuela727-2312002sMIA 24.08.02 with Aeropostal, PAC21633 to ART 21633 18.11.02, opb Falcon Express, sis SJU 26.06.04 still Aeropostal col, sVCV 16.09.04 "not stored" no titles, sis Aeropostal fc MIA 14.01.05, s27.02.06 new red/white/blue col, Falcon ret to PegA 10.05.06, s str Tucson 24.01.07 basic Falcon, s24.04.08
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