Boeing 727 [21655 / 1452]

Registration: 5N-BCF
Operator: Chanchangi Airlines
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Scrapped
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N726RW Hughes Airwest727-2M71979
N726RW Philippine Airlines727-2M71979Republic ret 25.09.,81
TN-AEB Republic of Congo727-2M71982
N726RW AIResearch727-2M71982
N5772T JTF Inc727-2M71988bt? lsd?
TN-AEB Republic of Congo727-2M71988pkd Alverca,Portugal ar94 /10.95
VR-CDL Inversiones Aeronauticas727-2M71996s as VR- 2.97 MIA, 26.04.97 (in JAPL CC-CSW repo 2.01.97 National)
VP-CDLNational Airlines S.A727-2M71997sMIA rr
CC-CSWNational Airlines S.A727-2M71997sMIA,charters,sSantiago 1.98, s no tit 11.98 Sant
CC-CSWAVANT Airlines727-2M71999
CC-CSWSun Country Airlines727-2M71999ret when to Avant?, Aerosur lsd 13.07.00 as CP-2389, app ntu, arr Bournemouth 14.10.00 as CC-, white
5N-BCFChanchangi Airlines727-2M72000s fc Bournem. 3.11.00, depa 29.11.00, sis Abudja 17.04.05 fc, incident Lagos 12.06.05 overshot flooded runway on landing, sis Algiers 30.04.06, not in svc by 2008
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