Boeing 727 [21699 / 1485]

Registration: 9M-TGG
Operator: Raya Airways
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Stored
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Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N287WA Western Airlines727-2471979
N207UP UPS Airlines727-247(F)1985sGoodyear 17.01.02 full col (temp?), id 4.07.02, s29.08.02 basic col
9M-TGGTransmile Air Services727-247(F)2002frd Goodyear-San Antonio 4.10.02, sBKK 14.01.03 basic UPS, titles, sKCH 04.08.04 full Transmile nc, frd to AKL 10.01.10 for short lse to Tasman Cargo AL, is AKL-SYD 11.01.10, ret SZB 06.03.10, sis PEK 26.01.11, SIN optnl 21.06.14 (missighting as missing parts at SZB 15.06.14)
9M-TGGRaya Airways727-247(F)2015sSZB big titles, ex Transmile cs, optnl, s22.03.17 no engines
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N207UP UPS AirlinesKOKCWarthog1