Boeing 727 [21853 / 1640]

Registration: TZ-001
Operator: Mali Government
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Government
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
D-AHLV Hapag Lloyd727-2K51980
LX-MJM Corporate727-2K51982
LX-MMM Corporate727-2K51984
HZ-HR1Corporate727-2K51992frd LBG-BOH 18.04.92,to Lash 21.04.92 still as LX-MMM, Matrix Group lsd 6.12.97
P4-JLICorporate727-2K5(WL)2003frd Bucharest-Southend for maint, via Montpellier to Mitiga Libya 04.07.03, frd Mitiga-Southend 22.08.03 for maint, BRU-LUX 11.09.03 with President of Benin, winglets, frd Mitiga (Libya)-Southend 25.10.03 for maint, to Mitiga 03.11.03 based, flew Jacksonville-Lajes-Bucharest BBU 29.05.04, sTunis 17.09.04, sOttawa YOW 10.05.05 opf Mali president, sBBU 19.07.05
TZ-MBAMali Government727-2K5(WL)2006frd BBU-Mitiga 05.06.06 repo with Mali Air Transport, sJNB 11.06.06, sAccra 02.07.07 not TZ-NBA, sVIE 25.05.09 untitled, opf Mali Gvmt, sGVA 24.10.10
TZ-001Mali Government727-2K5(WL)2011arr Sanford 08.08.11, Rep. du Mali titles, depa 18.02.12, sORY 24.05.12, BRU 05.13
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
HZ-HR1 CorporateEGLLScottyBoy76