Boeing 727 [21854 / 1532]

Registration: N725US
Operator: USA Jet Airlines
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Active
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N8885Z Eastern Air Lines727-2251979
N8885Z Orion Air727-2251988ceased 31.01.90
N8885Z Eastern Airlines727-2251988wfu 1.91 sMojave 10.91
N8885Z Continental Airlines727-2251992own CMSH 9.92,ret CMB 27.08.95
N889MAMiami Air International727-2251995sMIA 10.01.96 no tit,xCOA col,rAMAL 2.96,sMIA 19.02.96 str xCOA col/rr 30.05.96 (JAPL97),sMIA 2.99 with hqs, Miami AI r3.08.99, s pkd 8.12.01 Miami, old colours, sis FRA 28.09.02, sMIA 03.05.03 being painted in Cargojet col, s06.05.03 fc, rrgd, N-reg canc 14.05.03
C-GCJZCargoJet Airways727-225(F)2003fc sHamilton 27.05.03, sis 21.02.09, skidded off runway at CYQM 03.10, repaired, sis 06.12, flew YVR-Hamilton 28.12.18 presum wfu (no later flights on fr24), canc 20.03.19 pwfu
N725USUSA Jet Airlines727-225(F)2019frd Hamilton-Detroit YIP 29.03.19 Cargojet bcs
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