Boeing 727 [21857 / 1539]

Registration: HP-1754CTW
Operator: PanAir Cargo
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N8888Z Eastern Air Lines727-2251979wfu 1.91
N8888Z Corporate727-2251992PrJet s25.08.92/ret UAS 28.04.93/sATL/LVG 10.92 fc pkd
N8888Z Funworld International Airways727-2251993sis 29.11.93 Miami,repo 21.06.94 UAS/arr 3.07.94 for painting Miami Air Int
N887MA Miami Air International727-2251994arr MIA 1.11.94,rr 17.11.94,s18.11.94, SSB&TC to FSB 24.12.97,opb Miami, frd to Manchester 16-17.07.98 for Sabre AW, is 18.7, wfu 6.08.98, to Kefl. 6.08.98, due ret 10.08.98, FSB to ACG Acq 31.01.01, still Miami Air, ACG to ACGC 31.05.02 lse ended
N755DHDHL Airways727-225(F)2002own ACGC r20.06.02, when cvtd to freighter?, s DAL 3.08.02 fc, rr 25.10.02, ROW-BGR 23.09.05 and/or Jacksonville NZC-ROW 23.09.05, MHV-Detroit YIP 22.11.05 Airlines727-225(F)2005own ACGC, sis 12.01.06 FLL white
N755DHCapital Cargo International Airlines727-225(F)2006PHX fc, sis FLL 03.02.09, s str MCO 15.09.11 fcs, s13.04.12, ACGC sold to Cargo Aircraft Management 13.06.12, r26.06.12, lsd to Capital Cargo AL (again?), frd MCO-Sanford 26.06.12, sold to C & G Engines Corporation 26.06.12, r10.07.12, frd Sanford-Bogota 09.10.12, canc 17.10.12 exp. to HP-
HP-1754CTWPanAir Cargo727-225(F)2012subsidiairy of Cargo Three Panama, sis Panama City 02.12.12
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N887MA Miami Air InternationalKMIAGreggy