Boeing 727 [21898 / 1515]

Registration: N349PA
Operator: Pan Am
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Scrapped
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N7444U United Airlines727-2221979ls from WTC 28.06.89,own UAL 13.09.95 / canc 8.96 but sis 10.96, wfu by 30.11.01
N349PAPan Am727-2222002Guilf TI 31.05.02,s pkd Sanford FL 29.07.02 basic col no tit, s5.10.02 Sanford PA fc, pkd?, id s08.11.02, s16.02.03, rr 05.08.03, s28.08.03 Sanford, sis BDL 16.04.05, SJU 23.07.05, CLT 30.12.05, ATL 14.05.06 no winglets, named "Juan Trippe", s pkd Sanford 08.08.06, sPHX 01.10.06, s str Boston PSM 04.07.07 no engines, own Guilford TI, canc 15.09.09 pwfu PSM
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N7444U United AirlinesKTPAWarthog1