Boeing 727 [21931 / 1531]

Registration: 5Y-IRE
Operator: Safe Air Company
HEX Code:
Engines: PW JT8D-17R x 3
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Written Off
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N202AV Avianca727-2Q91979own BAL 1.89
N202AV SAM Colombia727-2Q91992wfu s21.11.92 fc/sBOG fc,s pkd Cincinn. 1.11.94,MIA 2.11.94
N741DH DHL Airways727-2Q9(F)1994conv 1.95, sMIA 7.02.95 nw reg, sis MHT 26.04.06 nc, sCVG 02.04.09 stored, frd to IGM 20.07.09, s22.09.09 fc, ASTAR to Air Capital Group LLC 12.07.10, frd IGM-OPF 14.07.10, s10.11.10 white, s19.02.11 intact, offered for sale ( 03.11, 5Y-GMB Aerospace Consortium ntu, N-reg canc 08.09.11
ZS-IRESKA International Group727-2Q9(F)2011frd OPF-Bridgetown 06.09.11 white, sLanseria 17.09.11 still painted as N741DH white
ZS-IRESkyLink Arabia727-2Q9(F)2011sHLA white, SKA titles, frd Baghdad-IST-Aswan 17-18.10.12 after lse, s str Lanseria 17.03.14, sis BOM 16.07.15 white, SKA logos, repo tfd to SKA Air Uganda ar 09.16
5X-IRESKA International Group727-2Q9(F)2016frd Mauritius-Entebbe 25.10.16 white, SKA titles. Std Nairobi 12.11.2019
5Y-IRESafe Air Company727-2Q9(F)2021Written off, landed short at Malakal, South Sudan 31.03.2024, and collided with the remains of an African Express MD-82 (5Y-AXL) which had crashed there 09.02.2024.
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N741DH DHL AirwaysKIGMcolinw