Boeing 727 [21947 / 1506]

Registration: N598AJ
Operator: Amerijet International
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Scrapped
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
9V-SGI Singapore Airlines727-2121979
N309AS Alaska Airlines727-2121985own Pol 8.07.87,ret 22.10.92
N86430 Continental Micronesia727-2121993s11.08.93 Hong K nw col,Air Mike tit/rr 3.96 FSBU/TrAS 28.05.97, IAP 27.01.98, opb COA Mic/sSFO 23.04.98 Coa Mic, COA callsign/ ret IAP 5.05.98
N598AJAmerijet International727-212F(WL)1998Amj r2.6, rr 1.07.98, sis 19.09.98 winglets, Richmond as F, WFBN 1.11.01, Amerijet Int lsd 17.01.02 lsd on a month-to-month basis, WFBN sold to Amerijet 09.09.04, sis SXM 15.01.09, MIA 14.11.10, s str OPF 26.07.11, s20.10.11, sis MIA 17.01.12 (acc. to photocap maybe in error), sOPF 18.03.12, might be stored after all, frd MIA-Lakeland 01.06.14 presum for str, sis SXM 23.01.15, presum wfs by 2018 (not on fr24), canc 01.02.19 pwfu
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