Boeing 727 [21958 / 1533]

Registration: CX-CAR
Operator: Air Class Lineas Aereas
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N559PS PSA - Pacific Southwest Airlines727-2141979
N559PS Piedmont Airlines727-2141984ownMNC-MRI 1.12.84 (or 86 in JAPL97)
N754US USAir727-2141989sPhoe 12.10.95 fc own MTC
N788ATAmerican Trans Air727-2141996depa full US col/bt 22.2 /FSB 31.05.96/ s6.01.98 nw reg, wfu by 8.05.02, WFBN to BATA Leasing LLC 9.10.02, sRoswell 02.02.03 fc, s04.02.04, depa to JAX 05.01.05, for DHL-Astar?, WFBN 16.01.05
N788ATDHL Airways727-214(F)2005F-cvtd 17.03.05, ASTAR 29.09.06, sCVG 02.04.09 stored, frd CVG-IGM 09.05.09 for storage, ASTAR USA LLC to ASTAR Cargo Holdings LLC 30.11.10, sIGM 25.01.11 fc, canc 11.04.11 to CX-
CX-CARAir Class Lineas Aereas727-214(F)2011arr MVD 29.06.11 fc, sEZE 07.08.11, sis 11.13, s pkd MVD 16.04.14, flew Ascuncion-SCL 13.04.15 as QCL101 and ret in svc
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N754US USAirKFLLAyronautica
N754US USAirKCLTWarthog1