Boeing 727 [21968 / 1565]

Registration: N968PA
Operator: Pacific Aircorp
HEX Code:
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Type: Other
Status: Scrapped
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N54349 TWA - Trans World Airlines727-2311980FSB 31.03.98, PeA 17.07.98,PeA III 15.03.99, PegA 24.11.99, wfu 30.09.00 Kansas City, tt 49776, 33145 l, sTucson 21.10.00 basic TWA col, id s19.01.01, N-reg canc 14.03.01
YV-41CAeropostal Alas de Venezuela727-2312001sCCS 16.09.01, s23.11.03 white, wfu? complete, sMIA 17.12.03 white
N924PGPacific Aircorp727-2312004sTucson 08.04.04 no titl, no engs, YV-rgd, id s13.09.04 now Santa Barbara col, canc 01.10.04
YV-1174CSanta Barbara Airlines727-2312004sTucson 16.10.04 as such, flightplan operational 29.11.04 OTBD-LCLK-OTBD, frd Doha-Larnaca-Doha 01.12.04
YV174TSanta Barbara Airlines727-2312006sGuayaquil is fc, sis 22.09.06, s str ROW 15.11.07
N968PAPacific Aircorp727-2312008sROW 29.06.08 in Santa Barbara Airlines fcs still as YV174T, s11.09.10, s21.01.13 being broken up, rgeg canc 03.09.14
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N54349 TWA - Trans World AirlinesKIADWarthog1