Boeing 727 [21996 / 1571]

Registration: HK-5216X
Operator: Aerosucre Colombia
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N473BN Braniff Airways727-2271980brown/pearl, ret CIC 23.07.82
N782AL USAir727-2271983
N768US USAir727-2271988wfu Phoenix 15.12.92/ own Pol 1.12.88,ret 1.11.92
N768AT American Trans Air727-2271993sPhoe fc (i.s.?)rr4.93 FSBU, TrAS 28.05.97, FSB to IAP 23.01.98,ATA 26.02.99, BATA Leasing LLC 28.12.01, r4.01.02 (wfu?)
N781DHAstar Air Cargo727-227(F)2003BATA to WFBN 31.01.03, F-conv. to be conf, sJFK 03.03 fc, in svc old reg, sATL 06.06.04 rrgd nc, ASTAR 29.09.06, wfu by early 05.09, DHL Int GmbH 05.08.09, WFBN 18.09.09, r28.09.09, canc 22.10.09 to YV
YV-236TDHL-Venescar International727-227(F)2009repo 12.09, sis MAO 09.07.10 yellow DHL col, sis 01.13, CCS 14.01.14, retired by 03.2015 (last Venezolan 727), frd CCS--Lakeland 10.03.15
N227DDPCG Acquisition 1 Inc727-227(F)2015r13.04.15, still sLakeland 23.04.15, frd to Panama City PTY 02.05.15, canc 13.04.15
CX-CLBAir Class Lineas Aereas727-227(F)2015arr MDV 24.10.15, sMVD 20.12.15 optnl (first sighting of regi), sGIG 14.10.16
HK-5216XAerosucre Colombia727-227(F)2017bt as replacement for crashed 727, sBOG 25.01.17 still Air Class fcs and 'CLB' on nosewheeldoor, s13.02.17 rrgd, s03.04.17 still yellow ex Air Class bcs, large Aerosucre titles
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N768AT American Trans AirKBOSGreggy