Boeing 727 [21999 / 1581]

Registration: N783DH
Operator: Astar Air Cargo (DHL Airways)
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Stored
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N476BN Braniff Airways727-2271980ret BTC 23.07.82
N780AL USAir727-2271983
N766US USAir727-2271988wfu Phoenix 17.11.92/ own Pol 1.12.88,ret 30.11.92
N766AT American Trans Air727-2271993sPhoe fc (i.s.?) rrFSBU 4.93, FSB to IAP 23.01.98,ATA 26.02.99, BATA Leasing LLC 18.05.01, wfu by 8.05.02, s Roswell 28.12.02 str ATA col
N783DHAstar Air Cargo (DHL Airways)727-227(F)2003sCharlotte 12.04.03 foc, rr req, own WFBN (old) rgd 24.06.03, rr 07.11.03, s11.09.05 nc, ASTAR 29.09.06, sCVG 02.04.09 stored, frd to IGM 23.07.09, ASTAR USA LLC to ASTAR Cargo Holdings LLC 30.11.10, sIGM 25.01.11 fc, DHL Network Operations 13.06.11, WFBN 13.06.11, s22.05.13 engines and parts missing
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N783DH Astar Air Cargo (DHL Airways)KIGMFlyDroo