Boeing 727 [22002 / 1627]

Registration: N308AS
Operator: Capital Cargo International Airlines
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Stored
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N479BN Braniff Airways727-2271980ret BTC 23.07.82, s Cape Girardeau Regional WA 03.83 full dark/light blue ncs
N479BN Alaska Airlines727-2271983own UnTrust 10.83
N308AS Alaska Airlines727-2271985ret BTC 1.05.92
N308AS Express One727-2271992PreL r6.93 (still Expr One?),Avtn Ent r11.93,PreL r7.94
N308AS Express One727-227(F)1994lsd conf,conv. F late 8.94
N308AS Roadway Global Air727-227(F)1995sFtLaud fc/s pkd 29.06.95 Grayson TX
N308AS DHL727-227(F)1996sEMA opf DHL, sBru 4.97 no engs, s15.03.98 Express One,opf DHL, basic RGA col, is Bru
N308AS Capital Cargo International Airlines727-227(F)1998ex PrL,CC r10.02.99, 727 Aircraft One 02.11.04, opb CC, sRochester 09.04.09 in full Capital Cargo col, Cargo Aircraft Management r13.01.10 still opb CC, sis FLL 13.01.11, s str MCO 15.09.11 fcs, sis MCO-CVG 15.11.11, s str Orlando MCO 13.04.12, frd MCO-Sanford 01.08.12C & G Engines Corporation (Doral FL) 01.08.12, r04.09.12, sSanford 29.10.12 fcs, wfu, s19.08.13 fcs complete, s10.10.14 wfu, s07.08.15 intact
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