Boeing 727 [22147 / 1623]

Registration: N295AS
Operator: Champion Air
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Stored
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N295AS Alaska Airlines727-2901980wfu own FSBU/IRC 17.03.89,ElAv 5.90,ret less 1.05.94,sMiami 7.05.94 white,CIT/CT 14.06.94
N295AS Av Atlantic727-2901994Antigua Paradise AWQ slsd 23.06.94, AvA ret 5.95/sJFK 24.06.94 white,and left,s12.07.94 MIA white,s29.07.94 titles,Stansted 28.06.95 fro Airtours, ret 28.07.95 /CIT/CT ret 10.05.97
N295AS Champion Air727-2901997own CIT, s15.05.98 Newark hq's,due ret 12.05, Grand Holdings Inc r24.08.05 still opb Champion, AL ceased 31.05.08, s San Bernardino 16.06.08 complete fc, to Grand Holdings Inc, frd San Bernardino-Ardmore 05.11.08, to Airlease International 01.12.08 and regd 08.01.09, sArdmore 07.02.09 stored in full cs, s12.12.10 fc, engines and nosecone removed, canc 29.10.14 pwfu, s wfu 03.03.15 minus engines and parts
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N295AS Champion AirKLASGreggy