Boeing 727 [22359 / 1652]

Registration: M-FTOH
Operator: Corporate
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Business
Status: Stored
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
9K-AFA Kuwait Airways727-2691980
9K-AFA Egyptair727-2691988KuAW ret 27.02.89
9K-AFA Kuwait Government727-2691989s.opf Kuwait Gvmt non standard col 90/91?, frd to Fort Worth Meacham 20.12.99 basic col, Al Futtooh Investments Comp 6.03.00
N169KTCorporate727-2692000sis Vienna 2.02 nice corp col, sSZG 05.12.04, sLajes 13.05.05 no titles, operator in pic cap as "Al Futtooh Investment Corp" , HAJ 23.05.07, STN 23.03.11, canc 05.04.12
M-FTOHCorporate727-2692012bt ex Wilmington Trust Comp, r12.04.12, in svc 12.04.12 IST-ESB-KWI, s str Kuwait City 20.02.14 no titles, frd KWI--Kemble 29.06.16 for str, canc 13.07.16 pwfu
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
M-FTOH CorporateEGBPWarthog1
M-FTOH CorporateEGBPJLRAviation
M-FTOH CorporateEGBPcolinw
M-FTOH CorporateEGBPcolinw
M-FTOH CorporateEGBPEGLL Spotter
M-FTOH CorporateEGBPcolinw
M-FTOH CorporateEGBPAyronautica
M-FTOH CorporateEGBPFlyDroo
M-FTOH CorporateEGBPcolinw
M-FTOH CorporateEGBPcolinw
M-FTOH CorporateEGBPgrahamepage
N169KT CorporateEGSSGreggy
9K-AFA Kuwait GovernmentEGLLAyronautica
9K-AFA Kuwait GovernmentEGLLScottyBoy76
9K-AFA Kuwait GovernmentEGLLWarthog1
9K-AFA Kuwait GovernmentEGLLAyronautica