Boeing 727 [22452 / 1772]

Registration: N79750
Operator: Falcon Air Express
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Scrapped
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N79750 Continental Airlines727-2241981own Av Sales 3.89,FSBU 2.92, s24.01.99 Tucson xCOA col
N79750 Falcon Air Express727-2241999own PeA, PegA 23.06.00 still Falcon AE
N79750 LAV - Linea Aeropostal Venezolana727-2242000s21.10.00 Tucson being repaint fc, to MIA 28.10.00 (Falcon flightnr), sMIA 1.05.01, sTucson 25.02.02, depa 1.03.02, PegA to ART 22452 LLC 07.01.03, opb Falcon, s str Tucson 24.01.03 still LAV col
N79750 Falcon Air Express727-2242003sMIA no titl, s03.08.04 black col no titl, s Tucson 16.10.04, str? s29.06.05 basic Aeropostal col, s15.09.05 no engines, s23.03.06, Falcon ret to PegA 10.05.06, presum brup, no later sightings
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All Users Sightings

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N79750 Falcon Air ExpressKMIAGreggy