Boeing 727 [22460 / 1746]

Registration: HK-5239
Operator: Aerosucre Colombia
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N702AA American Airlines727-2231981AFW 2.11.99 tt 51473, 26329 l, Amarillo 12.11.99 ret GECAS, FSB to JRW Avtn 19.01.00
N702NEExpress One727-223(WL)2000sMIA fc 25.04.00, rr 24.05.00, sLAX 22.03.01 winglets, canc 24.01.03
C-GACGAll Canada Express727-223F(WL)2003see 22011, when F-cvtd? error?, canc 09.05.03
N702NECorporate727-223F(WL)2003sMIA 18.12.03 basic Express One col, s15.06.04
N702NEAeropostal Alas de Venezuela727-223F(WL)2004r/o MIA 01.10.04 fc, sMIA 02.10.04, s21.11.04 winglets, s15.02.05, still not yet in svc, s pkd 03.07.05 still, s08.01.06 grey/white, JRW canc 09.02.06
C-GCJYCargoJet Airways727-223F(WL)2006sHamilton 20.02.06 no titl, winglets (wrong picture capiton: C-GCGY), s29.09.07 fc, canc 08.02.12 to N
N7200SCSDS Aircraft Sales & Leasing727-223F(WL)2012rr res 04.06.12
N7200SAircraft Logistics Inc (San Diego CA)727-223F(WL)2013r08.03.13, canc 30.04.13 to C-
C-GKFHKelowna Flightcraft Air Charter727-223F(WL)2013reg canc 30.06.15, frd Kelowna-Saltillo 18.02.16, C-reg canc 25.02.16
N803TATransflorida Aviation LLC727-223F(WL)2016bt ex Regency Aero Lease, r08.03.16, canc 18.09.17
HK-5239Aerosucre Colombia727-223F(WL)2017Saltillo-BOG, s31.10.17 rrgd
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N702AA American AirlinesKORDWarthog1