Boeing 727 [22464 / 1758]

Registration: CP-2464
Operator: LAB - Lloyd Aereo Boliviano
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Stored
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Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N707AA American Airlines727-2231981wfu 30.12.95,Tulsa 18.01.96 TT 41665,21767 L, ret is 15.06.96, wfu 29.05.01, Tulsa, Mojave 21.06.01 tt 53826, 27600 l, depa 23.08.01, ACGC 23.08.01 due F-conv
N707AA Laker Airways Bahamas727-2232001also repo lsd early 12.01, s pkd 8.12.01 Ft Lauderdale, Laker titl, metallic tail, Bahamas flag, sCincinnati 27.05.02 (i.s.?) id, AL (temp?) ceased ops ar 09.04, s str Jacksonville JAX 30.10.04 fc
CP-2464LAB - Lloyd Aereo Boliviano727-2232005own ACG, frd Jacksonville-Savannah 22.12.04 white LAB titles, frd to Panama City 29.12.04, N-reg canc 06.01.05, sis GRU 08.01.05 nc rrgd, AL ceased 04.07, painted in Aerosur fc 05.09 but never entered service, s str 02.09.09 Cochabamba, s wfu 10.13, s12.14 nearly fcs, very derelict, s
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N707AA American AirlinesKMIAGreggy
N707AA American AirlinesKPHXWarthog1