Boeing 727 [22476 / 1747]

Registration: HK-4607
Operator: Selva Colombia
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N205AV Avianca727-2591981ret less 31.08.93/ HK-2476 NTU/ret ChW 31.08.93sGreensboro 24.05.94 white
PP-ITV Itapemirim Transpores Aereos SA727-259(F)1995sMIA,metal no tit,id 3.06.95,ro 19.06.95 fc/F-conv 6.95, canc 29.10.99, Southern Cross Avtn
N901RFRepublic Advanced Freighter727-259(F)1999bt ex Southern Cross, to RAFr 901 4.02.00
N901RFKitty Hawk Aircargo727-259(F)2000lsd from RAFr 901, due ret 2.07, but sKingman AZ 25.03.01 fc, s18.06.01, s19.05.02, s15.11.02 fc no engines, UMI International Inc 18.11.05, s29.01.07 fc no engines, s19.02.08, frd Kingman-Opa Locka 29.07.08, KittyHawk fc, to UM International, frd Opa Locka-Bogota 24.10.08, reg canc 23.03.09
HK-4607Servientrega727-259(F)2009in fcs BOG 26.02.09, sis 27.05.09 rrgd CV Cargo SA, s25.11.09 nice green col, sis CUR 06.04.11
HK-4607CV Cargo727-259(F)2011sSJO dark green cs, CV Cargo logo, sCUR 17.11.11
HK-4607Selva Colombia727-259(F)2013arr VVC titl/tail logo, sis BOG 08.01.15 white/titles, s28.02.16
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