Boeing 727 [22540 / 1796]

Registration: 5X-TON
Operator: Allied Air
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Historic
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N368PA Pan Am727-2211982wfu 4.12.91,r2.93 JP&A,Avtn Ent 11.93
N368PA Express One727-221(F)1993JP&A 22.01.93 own,conv late 8.94,Aent 16.11.93,pkd Brussels 17.06.95,Prewitt Leasing 17.05.97, sMalta 04.09.97 opf Express One, arr Tor 30.11.97, canc 3.12.97
C-FACNAll Canada Express727-221(F)1997r 9.12.97, s11.12.97 Tor ex Expr One co, s21.06.98 Tor ExprOne col-no tit, All Canada Express r11.07.03 (ex lse?), sis HVN 12.02.05 opf Cubana, id s07.05.05 Quito, sToronto 26.08.05 engine nr 2 missing, overhaul or str? s17.11.05 no engines, s27.05.06 basic col str, s16.09.06 but canc 19.09.06 to Nigeria
5N-BJNAllied Air727-221(F)200602.06.12 Accra 0(4)+12, ran off runway on landing, hit a van near El Wak Sports Stadium, crew injured but survived; operating flight 111 from Lagos, wings and nose were severely damaged, while its tailfin had broken off/ rr MIA, sGhana fc 15.02.07, sLOS 23.12.09, ACC 15.06.11
5X-TONAllied Air727-221(F)2006sToronto 17.10.06, frd to Miami as such 17.11.06
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