Boeing 727 [22543 / 1700]

Registration: 5Y-JIB
Operator: Air Djibouti
HEX Code:
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Type: Passenger
Status: Stored
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N203US Northwest Airlines727-2511981to Antonov Aircraft Dealer Corp 8.11.02, presum wfu, s pkd MIA 09.01.03 at Commodore Hangar basic NW col
N727ANAntonov Aircraft Dealer Corp727-2512002rr 21.03.03, sMIA 17.04.03 rrgd, MIA-Gander 24.04.03, sVienna 25.04.03, landing, white, windows, Kiev-Kefl-Bangor 22.05.03, sMIA 19.07.03 white, s19.09.03 Shannon, sKiev KBP 16.03.04 believed str, s05.07.04, WFBN 24.04.05, frd to Keflavik 21.04.05 after str, to Kiev KBP 27.07.05, WFBN to Highrock Holding 15.09.05, canc 16.09.05
4K-AZ9Turan Air727-2512005s white ZRH 06.10.05, CGN 01.11.05
4K-8888Corporate727-2512007sIST, gold nose/belly opf Azerbaijan Gvmt, flew Baku GYD-Nakhichevan 12.10.07, sis BCN 04.06.08, MST 29.06.08 (brought Azerbaijan football team), LED 28.03.10, DXB 09.10, BUD 07.12.11, TLL 04.07.12, ZAG 18.05.14, operated the scheduled Baku-GVA pax service of AZAL 11, 13 and 18.07.2014 (was scheduled july-august twice weekly but replaced by A-319 since, perhaps due to faulty flap seen on 11.07.14 flight), presum final 727 scheduled pax flight into Europe, presum str by 12.2015, reg 4K-8888 now u
4K-AZ14Corporate727-2512018arr NBO as such, pkd s14.05.18
5Y-JIBAir Djibouti727-2512018sNBO, small titles, presum still in overhaul at NBO by 01.19 but to be used for Djibouti Gvmt (VIP configuration), not sched. Pax
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N203US Northwest AirlinesKSLCWarthog1
N203US Northwest AirlinesKDTWAyronautica