Boeing 727 [22554 / 1781]

Registration: N676MG
Operator: Champion Air
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Scrapped
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Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N817EA Eastern Air Lines727-2251981wfu 1.91 own FNBB 10.91
N817EA Northwest Airlines727-2251992SSB&TC tfd 2.97, GECC 20.11.98, FSB lsd, NW slsd, WFBN 20.06.01 still NW, in svc till mid 06.03 for Nets and Spurs sports shuttle, last svc to EWR 16.06.03 (carrying the Nets), frd to MSP ar 17.06.03, MSP-ROW str 30.06.03, NW ret to WFBN
N676MGChampion Air727-2252003sOKL 15.12.03 rrgd, str, VIP config, sSeattle fc 02.04 old reg, WFBN to AFS Inv. IX LLC 11.03.04, sis PHX 07.05.04 opf John Kerry (presidential candidate USA 2004), rr reg 04.05.04, rr 10.08.04, AL ceased 31.05.08, s str Walnut Ridge AR 31.05.08 presum pwfu, AFS to Grand Holdings 12.06.08, repo parted out/derelict by 22.07.08, reg canc 10.07.08, s wfu 15.03.10 Champ col, s04.09.10
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N817EA Northwest AirlinesKATLWarthog1
N817EA Northwest AirlinesEGSSAyronautica