Boeing 727 [22555 / 1783]

Registration: N678MG
Operator: Champion Air
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Scrapped
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N818EA Eastern Air Lines727-2251981wfu 1.91 own FNBB 10.91
N818EA Northwest Airlines727-2251992SSB&TC tfd 2.97, GECC 26.10.98, FSB 10.04.01, NW opb, sis 3.03 SLC, last svc carrying the Nets EWR-SAT 14.06.03, arr ROW 14.06.03 for str, frd to Oklahoma City 23.08.03
N678MGChampion Air727-2252003s15.12.03 OKL rrgd, fc str, s21.02.04 Toronto fc old reg, WFBN to AFS Inv IX 08.03.04, reg res 02.04.04, rrgd sOKL 28.06.04 maint, sis Manchester NH 23.07.04, AL ceased 31.05.08, s str Walnut Ridge AR 31.05.08 presum pwfu, AFS to Grand Holdings 12.06.08, repo parted out/derelict by 22.07.08, reg canc 10.07.08, gutted still at Walnut Ridge by 07.09 to be used in Tom Cruise movie 'Wichita' and then scrapped, s wfu 15.03.10 Champ col, s04.09.10
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N818EA Northwest AirlinesKORDWarthog1
N818EA Northwest AirlinesEGSSAyronautica