Boeing 727 [22665 / 1786]

Registration: YU-AKK
Operator: JAT Yugoslav Airlines
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Scrapped
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Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
YU-AKK JAT Yugoslav Airlines727-2H91981
YU-AKK Air Afrique727-2H91983JAT ret 6.86
YU-AKK SkyJet Belgium727-2H91991opf Sobelair,Air Belg/JAT ret 4.11.91
TS-JEA Tunisair727-2H91992ret 11.92/ s full col/rr 5.06.92,s30.11.94 Tunis white,str
YU-AKK JAT Yugoslav Airlines727-2H91996sLHR 2.11.97 white,AKA tit, s1.97 LHR, ADC titl,s08.98 id, sis CDG 31.07.00 white, big JAT titl, s17.04.01 Sosoliso AL tit LHR, s6.05.01 white DUS, is fleetlist 8.02, s Kiev KBP 24.05.02 white, UM Air titles, sis for JAT 29.08.02 (which titles?) Antalya, repo to PP-FBL Fly LA s24.10.02 in GIG but later denied and see below
YU-AKK West African Airlines727-2H92003sBelgrade flying (for JAT), id fc 05.07.03 Belgrade, sis 17.10.03 Cotonou for West African
YU-AKK JAT Yugoslav Airlines727-2H92004ret BEG white, used for JAT charters to Turkey and Egypt, sis PRG 08.02.05, wfu by 09.05, repo bt by Kam Air 11.06 for parts use, completely brup 21.11.06
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
YU-AKK JAT Yugoslav AirlinesEGLLGreggy
YU-AKK SkyJet BelgiumEGCCAyronautica
YU-AKK Air AfriqueEGLLAyronautica
YU-AKK Air AfriqueEGPKAyronautica
YU-AKK Air AfriqueEGPKAyronautica
YU-AKK JAT Yugoslav AirlinesEGLLWarthog1