Boeing 727 [22968 / 1815]

Registration: N621AZ
Operator: Corporate
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Business
Status: Stored
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Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
HZ-RH3 Corporate727-2Y41983
HZ-HR3 Corporate727-2Y4(WL)1983s5.08.99 LBG winglets, sis LBG 09.05.04, ARN 30.08.06
VP-CMLAfghan Presidential Flight727-2Y4(WL)2008sBasel 03.05.08 rrgd, due for Afghan (nothing about colours/in svc yet), in service WAW-SNN-JFK 11.11.08, sLBG 11.07.10 in svc, exec col
TU-VAOIvory Coast Government727-2Y4(WL)2011sJNB testflight, fcs, in svc ABJ-LBG 25.10.11,sTLV 06.12, sHND 06.13, str ABJ by 2016
TY-25ABenin Government727-2Y4(WL)2016sJNB 10.16 repainted/rrgd, to replace older aircraft, but repo ntu by 12.16
N621AZCorporate727-2Y4(WL)2016sJNB 24.10.17 on maintenance, s25.10.18 minus titles and engines
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
TU-VAO Ivory Coast GovernmentLMMLgrahamepage
HZ-HR3 CorporateEGLLWarthog1